Writing Components

Component Specs

A component spec generates the actual component class that you'll use in your UI. There are two types of component specs:

  • Layout spec: combines other components into a specific layout. This is the equivalent of a ViewGroup on Android.
  • Mount spec: a component that can render a view or a drawable.

For now, let's just have a look at the overall structure of a layout spec:

class MyComponentSpec {
static Component onCreateLayout(
ComponentContext c,
@Prop String title,
@Prop Uri imageUri) {

A few things to note:

  • A component spec is just a plain java class with some special annotations.
  • A component spec is completely stateless and doesn't have any class members.
  • The arguments annotated with @Prop will automatically become part of the component's builder.
  • For components to be created from your component specs, you need to add the Litho annotation processor to your BUCK or Gradle file. See the Getting Started guide on how to do that. You can make the generated class package-private by adding isPublic = false to the class annotation.

Spec, Lifecycle, and Component classes

A component spec class will be processed to generate a ComponentLifecycle subclass with the same name as the spec but without the Spec suffix. For example, a MyComponentSpec spec generates a MyComponent class.

The generated ComponentLifecycle class is what you are going to use in your product. The spec class will be used as a delegate in the generated code at runtime.

The only API exposed by the generated class is a create(...) method that returns the appropriate Component.Builder for the @Props that you declared in your spec class.

At runtime, all component instances of a certain type share the same ComponentLifecycle reference. This means that there will only be one spec instance per component type, not per component instance.