Triggering events with Handles

You can trigger Events on components using a Handle. A Handle is a unique identifier that can be shared can with other components by passing it as a @Prop. Use new Handle() to create a new Handle and assign it to a component using the .handle(..) method in the component's builder.

In the following LayoutSpec we apply a Handle (passed in as a @Prop) to a TextInput component.

public class TextInputContainerComponentSpec {
static Component onCreateLayout(ComponentContext c, @Prop Handle textInputHandle) {
return Column.create(c).child(TextInput.create(c).handle(textInputHandle)).build();

Components with a reference to the TextInput's handle can now manipulate it directly.

public class ClearTextTriggerExampleComponentSpec {
static Component onCreateLayout(ComponentContext c) {
final Handle textInputHandle = new Handle();
return Column.create(c)
.clickHandler(ClearTextTriggerExampleComponent.onClearClick(c, textInputHandle)))
static void onClearClick(ComponentContext c, @Param Handle textInputHandle) {
// Clear the TextInput inside TextInputContainerComponent
TextInput.setText(c, textInputHandle, "");

Trigger custom events

You can trigger your own custom events.

Declare your event class.

public class CustomEvent {
public int increaseBy;

Create a trigger for your event inside your spec using the @OnTrigger annotation. This method will have access to event's parameters using @FromTrigger, as well as the components Props and State.

public class ComponentWithCustomEventTriggerComponentSpec {
static void triggerCustomEvent(ComponentContext c, @FromTrigger int increaseBy) {
// Add custom event behavior

Usages of your component must be assigned a Handle. The event can be triggered anywhere we have a reference to the Handle.

public class CustomEventTriggerExampleComponentSpec {
static Component onCreateLayout(ComponentContext c) {
final Handle textInputHandle = new Handle();
return Column.create(c)
.text("Trigger custom event")
.clickHandler(CustomEventTriggerExampleComponent.onClick(c, textInputHandle)))
static void onClick(ComponentContext c, @Param Handle textInputHandle) {
ComponentWithCustomEventTriggerComponent.triggerCustomEvent(c, textInputHandle, 2);