Testing InjectProps

@InjectProp is a pluggable mechanism for letting your dependency injection container take care of providing the props to your components. Testing them can be achieved with TestSpecs, which we learned about in the Prop Matching section.


The package is shipped as a separate module. It is available via maven as com.facebook.litho:litho-testing. To include it in your gradle build, add this line to your dependencies block:

testImplementation 'com.facebook.litho:litho-testing:0.36.0'

A DI-Enabled Component

A component spec using @InjectProp looks just like any other spec and can contain a mix of normal props, state and injected props.

class MyInjectPropSpec {
static Component onCreateLayout(
ComponentContext c,
@Prop String normalProp,
@InjectProp UserController injectedProp,
@InjectProp ProfilePictureComponent profilePicture) {
// ...

One difference between regular and injected props after generation is that there is no builder method for setting any injected props as they are provided by the DI container.

Testing a injected props

When testing a hierarchy containing a component containing an injected component, we want to ensure that the props set on it match our expectations. TestSpecs, as opposed to regular component specs, generate methods to match against props for both regular and injected props.

We generate our TestSpec as always:

public interface TestMyInjectPropSpec {}

And can write our test once this is done.

public class InjectPropMatcherGenerationTest {
@Rule public ComponentsRule mComponentsRule = new ComponentsRule();
public void setUp() {
"These tests can only be run in debug mode.",
public void testInjectPropMatching() {
final ComponentContext c = mComponentsRule.getContext();
final MyInjectProp component =
new MyInjectProp(new MyInjectPropSpec())
.normalString("normal string")
// This would normally be done by your DI container.
component.injectedString = "injected string";
component.injectedKettle = new Kettle(92f);
final Condition<InspectableComponent> matcher =
.normalString("normal string")
.injectedString("injected string")
.injectedKettle(new CustomTypeSafeMatcher<MyInjectPropSpec.Kettle>(
"matches temperature") {
protected boolean matchesSafely(MyInjectPropSpec.Kettle item) {
return Math.abs(item.temperatureCelsius - 92f) < 0.1;
assertThat(c, component).has(deepSubComponentWith(c, matcher));

In the example you can see how we test against normal and injected props in just the same way. The Kettle object is instantiated with a temperature, that we can verify using a custom matcher.

Testing injected components

A fairly common type to inject is indeed other Components. Let's consider our spec from before with an injected Text component instead:

static Component onCreateLayout(
ComponentContext c,
@InjectProp Text injectedComponent) {
return Column.create(c).child(injectedComponent).build();

While Text is clearly too broad of a component to be a reasonable target for DI, it'll do just fine for this example.

When testing that the injected component behaves as expected, we can use the previously explored pattern of passing in another TestSpec matcher:

public void testInjectPropMatching() {
final ComponentContext c = mComponentsRule.getContext();
final MyInjectProp component =
new MyInjectProp(new MyInjectPropSpec()).create(c).build();
component.injectedComponent = Text.create(c).text("injected text").build();
final Condition<InspectableComponent> matcher =
.injectedComponent(TestText.matcher(c).text("injected text").build())
assertThat(c, component).has(deepSubComponentWith(c, matcher));

As you can see, the appropriate matchers are generated for you even if the type of the prop is a concrete instance of a component rather than the generic Component type.


Either head back to the testing overview or continue with the next section, Testing Event Handlers.