
Content Description

All components support content description by default. This means all layout builders have a prop of type CharSequence named contentDescription .

Setting a content description on any component is as simple as:

.contentDescription("This is an image")

The content description set here has the same semantics as when it is set on an Android view.

Custom accessibility

Mount Specs can implement their own accessibility support by implementing an @OnPopulateAccessibilityNode method. This method accepts an AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat argument as well as any props that are specified on the spec method.

For example, accessibility for Text is specified using the following method:

static void onPopulateAccessibilityNode(
AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat accessibilityNode,
@Prop CharSequence text) {

This is only applicable for components which mount drawables, since if the component mounts a view, the support is built-in.

Extra accessibility nodes

On more complex mount specs that need to expose extra nodes to the accessibility framework, you'll have to implement three extra methods with the following annotations:

  • GetExtraAccessibilityNodesCount: Returns number of extra accessibility nodes exposed by the component.
  • OnPopulateExtraAccessibilityNode: Populates the extra accessibility node with the given bounds.

Accessibility Handling

All components support a set of events corresponding to AccessibilityDelegateCompat's methods.
These events have attributes for each parameter of the corresponding AccessibilityDelegateCompat method and an additional parameter of type AccessibilityDelegateCompat called superDelegate, which allows you to explicitly call View's default implementation of accessibility methods where necessary.

Here is an overview of the supported events:

EventAccessibilityDelegate method

Setting a handler for any of these events will result in an AccessibilityDelegate being set on the mounted View, which will call your event handler when the corresponding method is called.

Whenever a method for which you haven't supplied an event handler is called, the delegate will defer to the Android View's default implementation (equivalent to calling super or superDelegate's implementation).

For example, here are the steps for overriding onInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfo for a component:

  1. Implementing an event handler
static void onInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfoEvent(
ComponentContext c,
@FromEvent AccessibilityDelegateCompat superDelegate,
@FromEvent View host,
@FromEvent AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat info) {
// Equivalent to calling super on a regular AccessibilityDelegate, not required
superDelegate.onInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfo(view, info);
// My implementation
  1. Setting that event handler on a component:

One of the best features of AccessibilityDelegates in general is their reusability even across different types of Views. This can also be achieved within Litho by creating a wrapper spec that takes in a component and adds the desired event handlers. For example, let's say we want to have a Component that appends "please" to every AccessibilityEvent that it announces.

class PoliteComponentWrapper {
static Component onCreateLayout(
ComponentContext c,
@Prop Component content) {
return Wrapper.create(c)
static void onPopulateAccessibilityEvent(
ComponentContext c,
@FromEvent AccessibilityDelegateCompat superDelegate,
@FromEvent View view
@FromEvent AccessibilityEvent event) {
superDelegate.onPopulateAccessibilityEvent(view, event);

Now you can replace any usages of your component with PoliteComponentWrapper

static Component onCreateLayout(
ComponentContext c,
@Prop CharSequence text) {
return PoliteComponentWrapper.create(c)

Accessibility Heading

Heading is an accessibility property and will help the users to choose to "Navigate by Headings" and ignore scrolling through each and every subitem under a heading. "Navigate based on Heading" can be selected from "Local Context Menu" when talkback is on. Talkback gesture for "Local Context Menu" is Swipe up then right. Making any component an Accessibility Header is as simple as:

.contentDescription("This is an accessibility heading")