Creating a ComponentTree

In the Using Components guide, we saw how you can create a root component and pass it to a LithoView, which will take care of creating a ComponentTree with the given root. ComponentTree manages your component's lifecycle in a thread-safe way. You can create and make calls to it from any thread.

You shouldn't typically need to do this, as you usually provide a component to your LithoView instead as shown in Using Components. However, there are situations where you might want to create and manage your own ComponentTree.

In order to create a ComponentTree, you pass it a component root and attach it to a LithoView. The ComponentTree's create() method returns a Builder which exposes configuration methods for the ComponentTree.

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
final LithoView lithoView = new LithoView(this);
final ComponentContext c = new ComponentContext(this);
final Component text = Text.create(c)
.text("Hello World")
final ComponentTree componentTree = ComponentTree.create(c, text).build();