
The framework provides a general-purpose API to connect components through events. Events are declared as a POJO with an @Event annotation. By convention we suffix Event class names with Event. Event declarations may not be inner classes of your LayoutSpec or MountSpec. This is by design as specs are supposed to be a private concept and events can be used across multiple components.

public class ColorChangedEvent {
public int color;

In this example we will assume we have a component called ColorComponent. To indicate that a ColorComponent can dispatch a ColorChangedEvent our ColorComponentSpec must be annotated with that information. This is done with the events parameter of the @MountSpec and @LayoutSpec annotations. A component may be annotated to dispatch multiple events.

@LayoutSpec(events = { ColorChangedEvent.class })
class ColorComponentSpec {
static Component onCreateLayout(
Context c,
@Prop int color) {
EventHandler handler = ColorComponent.getColorChangedEventHandler(c);
if (handler != null) {

For an event of type FooEvent, this will auto-generate a matching dispatchFooEvent method and an event identifier that will used by event callbacks.

The dispatchFooEvent method takes an EventHandler as the first argument followed by the list of attributes defined in your @Event class. An EventHandler is essentially a generic listener interface to connect components through events. The convention is to have an EventHandler prop for each event exposed by your component.

In the example above, ColorComponent takes a colorChangedHandler as prop and dispatches the ColorChangedEvent to it with the generated dispatchColorChangedEvent() method.


In order to handle events dispatched by other components, you'll need an EventHandler instance and a matching callback.

You can create EventHandler instances by using your generated component's corresponding event handler factory method. This method will have the same name as your event callback method.

You define the event callback using the @OnEvent annotation. @OnEvent takes one argument: the event class. The first parameter of a method annotated with @OnEvent has to be a ComponentContext that the framework will populate for you.

For example, here's how a component would define a handler for the ColorChangedEvent declared above:

class MyComponentSpec {
static Component onCreateLayout(
ComponentContext c,
@Prop String someColor) {
return Column.create(c)
static void onColorChanged(
ComponentContext c,
@FromEvent int color,
@Prop String someProp) {
Log.d("MyComponent", "Color changed: " + color);

Using the @Param annotation on one or more of the parameters of the callback method you can define dynamic event parameters. This is useful if you would like to define a callback for a certain type of event e.g. onAvatarClicked() but would like to know what avatar was clicked. The avatar parameter in this case would be passed to the event handler factory method.

As you can see, @OnEvent callbacks have access to all component props just like the other spec methods.

class FacePileComponentSpec {
static Component onCreateLayout(
ComponentContext c,
@Prop Uri[] faces) {
Component.Builder builder = Column.create(c);
for (Uri face : faces) {
.clickHandler(FacePileComponent.onFaceClicked(c, face)));
return builder.build();
static void onFaceClicked(
ComponentContext c,
@Param Uri face) {
Log.d("FacePileComponent", "Face clicked: " + face);