Sub-Component Testing

This document outlines fluid APIs for testing assertions about the sub-components created by your layout specs. We make heavy use of AssertJ and Hamcrest. If you have used the two before, this should feel very familiar. If you haven't, don't worry. This guide will tell you everything there is to know.

In a rush? Jump straight to the Resources at the end of this page. More code, fewer words. Beep boop.


The package is shipped as a separate module. It is available via maven as com.facebook.litho:litho-testing. To include it in your gradle build, add this line to your dependencies block:

testImplementation 'com.facebook.litho:litho-testing:0.36.0'

Basic Sub-Component Matching

Suppose you have a simple layout spec that truncates the text passed in at an arbitrary length and appends an ellipsis.

class TruncatingComponentSpec {
static Component onCreateLayout(ComponentContext c, @Prop String text) {
// A unicode-aware implementation is left as an exercise to the reader.
final String s = text.length() > 16 ? text.substring(0, 16) + "..." : text;
return Text.create(c).text(s).build();

As a quick aside, please note that for trivial components like these it is often more appropriate to exploit the fact that these are pure functions that can be statically invoked. Whenever possible, test your business logic in isolation.

Now we want to test that the two cases the component is set out to handle are correctly implemented. Some people may prefer to write the tests before implementing the business logic, but technical documentation is not the place to start religious wars.

public class TruncatingComponentSpecTest {

We start with telling JUnit to run our test with the ComponentTestRunner. Depending on your project setup, a vanilla RobolectricTestRunner may also suffice. Just ensure that your test runner correctly loads Yoga and the Android platform libraries.

public ComponentsRule mComponentsRule = new ComponentsRule();

This JUnit rule serves two main purposes: It a) gives you easy access to a ComponentContext via getContext() and b) registers improved representations for Component, Component.Builder and LithoView in AssertJ error messages.

As next step, we ensure that the tests are executed in debug mode.

public void assumeInDebugMode() {
"These tests can only be run in debug mode.",

This set of APIs makes use of features that are only available if the IS_INTERNAL_BUILD flag in ComponentsConfiguration is enabled. This is because we allocate some data structures for testing purposes that are unnecessary in production builds. This means that this test suite will run for :testDebugUnitTest runs but will be skipped for :testReleaseUnitTest.

Now to the actual test! Let's test first that short text (i.e. strings with fewer than 16 characters) is passed on unmodified.

public void testWorksForShortText() {
final ComponentContext c = mComponentsRule.getContext();
final Component<TruncatingComponent> component = TruncatingComponent.create(c).text("Mr. Meeseeks").build();
LithoAssertions.assertThat(c, component)
.has(subComponentWith(c, textEquals("Mr. Meeseeks")));

Let's take a look at this in detail. LithoAssertions.assertThat is an overloaded static method that you can use in any place you would normally use a standard AssertJ assertThat. It provides all the normal bells and whistles but adds matchers for various Litho-related types. For instance Component and LithoView. If you want to assert on a constructed Component, you also need to pass in the ComponentContext that was used to build it.

Next, we call has() on the assertion object. This is a standard AssertJ method and comes with the aliases is() and are() which can sometimes read nicer. There are also negated forms: isNot(), doesNotHave and areNot().

These combinators all take a Condition and this is exactly what subComponentWith creates for you. You give it a ComponentContext and another Condition and it hands a composition of the two Conditions back to you that will succeed if it matches against at least one of the sub-components created by your component.

In this case, we use textEquals which ensures that there exists a Component that renders the exact string given to it.

If we're honest, this should be enough for our base case, but let's overdo it a bit to showcase what AssertJ and Hamcrest allow us to do here:

LithoAssertions.assertThat(c, component)
subComponentWith(c, textEquals("Mr. Meeseeks")),
subComponentWith(c, text(startsWith("Mr."))),
subComponentWith(c, anyOf(

If you see something like this in your code review, you would without a doubt reject it. And you should! But it does a pretty good job of illustrating how powerful the composition of matchers is.

To learn more about composing AssertJ condition, check out the official documentation.

We have to go deeper

Let's take a slightly more complex LayoutSpec this time. It still has the same text truncation logic, but adds some styling by wrapping the Text in a Column and a Card.

public class WrappingComponentSpec {
public static Component onCreateLayout(ComponentContext c, @Prop String text) {
final String s = text.length() > 16 ? text.substring(0, 16) + "..." : text;
return Column.create(c)

Time for another quick aside to remind you that this is a contrived example and it would be way better to keep our previous TruncatingComponentSpec around and use this LayoutSpec to wrap it. But tutorials - and sometimes the real world - can be stinkers.

The setup boilerplate will look just like in our previous example.

public class WrappingComponentSpecTest {
public ComponentsRule mComponentsRule = new ComponentsRule();
public void assumeInDebugMode() {
"These tests can only be run in debug mode.",

When testing components, we care about the business logic and not the styling of it, so will focus on sub-component containing the text again. Let's start with a naïve attempt by just copying our previous test:

public void testWorksForShortText() {
final ComponentContext c = mComponentsRule.getContext();
final Component<WrappingComponent> component =
WrappingComponent.create(c).text("Szechuan Sauce").build();
// Wait! This won't work!
LithoAssertions.assertThat(c, component).has(subComponentWith(c, textEquals("Szechuan Sauce")));

So I've got good and bad news for you. The bad news first: This test fails. However, the good news is that the error message gives us a good hint as to why:

<WrappingComponent{0, 0 - 100, 100}
Card{0, 0 - 100, 6}
Column{3, 2 - 97, 2}
Text{0, 0 - 94, 0 text="Szechuan Sauce"}
CardClip{0, 0 - 94, 0}
CardShadow{0, 0 - 100, 6}>
to have:
<sub component with <text <is "Szechuan Sauce">>>

As you can see from the output, the "Text" we're looking for sits nested in the hierarchy. This means that our subComponentWith matcher won't work here.

Luckily enough, there is another matcher just for this case: deepSubComponentWith. So, let's just replace it in our assertion:

public void testWorksForShortText() {
final ComponentContext c = mComponentsRule.getContext();
final Component<WrappingComponent> component =
WrappingComponent.create(c).text("Szechuan Sauce").build();
LithoAssertions.assertThat(c, component)
.has(deepSubComponentWith(c, textEquals("Szechuan Sauce")));

And boom! Our build is back to green. Everything else remains exactly the same. We can still use various combinators as well as mix and match with allOf() and anyOf if we so desire.

DIY Conditions

If you look at ComponentConditions you can find a growing collection of matchers that can be used in subComponentWith and deepSubComponentWith. But don't let the existing list limit your creativity! Writing your own conditions is a piece of cake.

All you need to do to write your own condition is implement the Condition<InspectableComponent> interface which consists of a single method: matches(InspectableComponent).

InspectableComponent is a wrapper around a Component with additional information we have about the component at test time.

Let's implement a custom matcher that asserts that a given Component has a background:

public static Condition<InspectableComponent> anyBackground() {
return new Condition<InspectableComponent>() {
public boolean matches(InspectableComponent value) {
as("any background");
return value.getBackground() != null;

Nothing here should come as a surprise, but it may be worth noting that the as invocation instructs AssertJ to record the use of this condition in a potential error message as you have seen it above.

If we want to put this to use, we use it in the same place we previously made our text assertions:

public void testHasBackground() {
final ComponentContext c = mComponentsRule.getContext();
final Component<WrappingComponent> component =
WrappingComponent.create(c).text("I hate Mumunmunundsdays.").build();
LithoAssertions.assertThat(c, component)
.has(deepSubComponentWith(c, anyBackground()));

Simple Matching with SubComponent.of

For very simple cases, it can sometimes be enough to verify the mere presence of a sub-component of a certain class. For these cases, we have the SubComponent.of API which works without any code generation.

In the following example, we use the hasSubComponents method on the AssertJ matcher to ensure that the Components of the given types are either present of absent.

public class StoryTest {
public void testStoryLayout() {
ComponentContext c = mComponentsRule.getContext();
Story story = ...
StoryComponent.Builder componentBuilder =
public void testStoryWithZeroLikes() {
ComponentContext c = mComponentsRule.getContext();
Story storyWithZeroLikes = ...;
Component<StoryComponent> component = StoryComponent.create(c)
assertThat(c, component)

Old Meets New

The example above may look a bit foreign as it doesn't work with has and is thus not composable with other matchers. We provide a bridge interface so you can combine the best from the old and new world of sub-component testing with legacySubComponent.

It accepts an existing SubComponent and works with both shallow and deep sub-component traversals. This is great if you want to ensure that a property with a given set of props exists in the component tree.

public void testSubComponentLegacyBridge() {
final ComponentContext c = mComponentsRule.getContext();
assertThat(c, mComponent)
FooterComponent.create(c).subtitle("Gubba nub nub doo rah kah").build()))));


Either head back to the testing overview or continue with the next section, Matching Props.


To learn more, check out these resources: