GroupSection Specs

A group section spec is used to structure your data into a hierarchy of Sections, each responsible for rendering its own chunk of data.

Group section specs are classes annotated with @GroupSectionSpec. Implementing a GroupSectionSpec is very simple: you only need to write one method annotated with @OnCreateChildren. This method returns a tree of Sections that will have root in this GroupSectionSpec. The children can be Section instances created from other GroupSectionSpec classes or from DiffSectionSpec classes.

Let's have a look at how you would declare a simple list that contains a header followed by a list of Strings. We'll use a SingleComponentSection for the header and a DataDiffSection for the list of Strings and we'll combine these in a hierarchy.

class FooSectionSpec {
static Children onCreateChildren(
SectionContext c,
@Prop String headerTitle,
@Prop List<String> data) {
return Children.create()
static RenderInfo onRender(
SectionContext c,
@FromEvent String model) {
return ComponentRenderInfo.create()

Imagine a surface that has multiple such subsections consisting of a header and list of Strings. An example could be a list of contacts grouped alphabetically, delimited by headers showing the first letter of the name. You can easily achieve that by creating a GroupSectionSpec that has a FooSection child for every letter.

class BarSectionSpec {
static Children onCreateChildren(
SectionContext c,
@Prop List<String> data) {
final Children.Builder builder = Children.create();
for(char firstLetter = 'A'; firstLetter <= 'Z'; firstLetter++) {
.data(getItemsForLetter(firstLetter, data)));

Below is a representation of the tree of Sections that has the root in BarSection. Each node in the tree is a Section, and the leaves are Components that can be rendered on screen. Each one of the sections in the tree acts as a data source. Its responsibilities are to describe what data it needs and how that data should be rendered.

GroupSection Spec lifecycle flowchart