Layout Specs

A layout spec is the logical equivalent of a composite view on Android. It simply groups existing components together in an immutable layout tree.

Implementing a layout spec is very simple: you only need to write one method annotated with @OnCreateLayout which returns an immutable tree of Component objects.

Let's start with a simple example:

public class MyComponentSpec {
static Component onCreateLayout(
ComponentContext c,
@Prop int color,
@Prop String title) {
return Row.create(c)

As you can see, layout spec classes use the @LayoutSpec annotation.

The method annotated with @OnCreateLayout must have ComponentContext as its first argument followed by a list of arguments annotated with @Prop. The annotation processor will validate this and other invariants in the API at build time.

In the example above, the layout tree has a root Container with two children stacked horizontally (Row.create) and vertically centered (Align.CENTER).

The first child is a SolidColor component that takes a colorRes prop and has a 40dp width and height.


The second child is a Text component that takes a prop named text and fills the remaining horizontal space available in MyComponent by using grow(1f) (equivalent to Android's layoutWeight from LinearLayout). The text size is defined in my_text_size dimension resource.

Layout Spec lifecycle flowchart

You can check the full Yoga documentation to see all the layout features that the framework exposes.