Sections architecture

At it's core, the Sections framework is responsible for producing a ChangeSet from immutable props and a hierarchy of Sections. The framework produces these ChangeSets by creating a new section hierarchy whenever a SectionTree is set with a Section with new props or whenever a Section in the hierarchy updates it's internal state and comparing the new hierarchy with the old hierarchy.

What is a SectionTree?

Using the Sections framework begins with creating a SectionTree. SectionTree instances are responsible for:

  • Computing/Recomputing changes whenever state & props values change.
  • Communicate with a Target implementation that can update UI (including telling the Target about new changes).

SectionTrees must be created with a Target implementation. The Target interface is the API between SectionTree and UI. After computing a ChangeSet from a section hierarchy, a SectionTree instance will relay the changes to it's Target. You can create a target for whatever custom UI you want but the Sections framework has already implemented some Targets for you. SectionBinderTarget is one a Target implementation that relays changes to a RecyclerBinder for rendering.

Updating the SectionTree

The framework can perform incremental and conditional updates on the structure of Sections whenever any props or state values change. The infrastructure also calculates the minimal operations it needs to perform on the existing hierarchy to update the list to reflect the new data.

To update a section tree to reflect new props, create a section with the new prop values and call SectionTree#setRoot(). This is also how you set an initial root section on a tree since it's essentially diffing a new section hierarchy with an empty hierarchy.

To update a section tree when a state value changes, just perform a regular state update as described in the documentation for litho State.

You may notice that the setRoot() and updateState() methods also have "async" implementations (setRootAsync() and updateStateAsync()). The *async() methods will ensure that the resulting ChangeSet calculation is performed on a background thread. Otherwise the resulting ChangeSet calculation will be done synchronously on whatever thread setRoot() or updateState() was called. This is just like Litho's asychronous layout.

Computing ChangeSets

SectionTree instances compute changes in two steps: generating trees based on props/state values, then creating a changeset by comparing two trees.

A tree is generated from a single root section by recursively calling @OnCreateChildren on group section specs until it reaches the leaf sections, diff section specs. As it visits a new section, SectionTree will:

  • Create a new SectionContext scoped to this new section
  • Check if there's a corresponding section in the current hierarchy (via key) and transfer any state and service values over to the new section.
  • Check if there's any pending state updates for the new section (via key) and perform the updates if they exist.
  • Create the new child sections by calling SectionLifecycle#createChildren and recursively visit those child sections.

After generating a new tree, SectionTree will recursively traverse the new tree and compare it against the current tree to generate a ChangeSet. This is where we call SectionLifecycle#generateChangeSet on Diff Sections. When traversing the new tree, the framework translates local indexes to global indexes as it merges all ChangeSets into a single ChangeSet for the whole hierarchy.

NOTE: SectionContext is an object that is used to associate each Section instance in a hierarchy with it's SectionTree. SectionContext instances are released and recreated every time a SectionTree re-calculates it's changeset (anytime props or state change). This means you should not rely on the SectionContext passed into your spec delegate methods to always be associated with a valid Section instance. As a general rule, a SectionContext object is only valid between the @OnBindService and @OnUnbindService methods. You should not keep an instance of SectionContext alive outside this window.

SectionTree and RecyclerCollectionComponent

RecyclerCollectionComponent is a Litho component that creates and binds a SectionTree to a Recycler behind the scenes to make it incredibly easy to use the Sections framework with Litho. RecyclerCollectionComponent creates and holds onto a SectionTree instance as state and exposes a prop to accept new sections. Updating the SectionTree when using RecyclerCollectionComponent is as simple as updating the section prop passed into it.